Pastor Comments

Pastor Comments

I hope that everyone has had a great beginning to their new year. I am so excited about what God has in store for Covenant Church in 2020!  We have already put one thing on our agenda for December 2020.   Last Sunday, we announced to everyone some very exciting news about our plans to build Bethlehem this Christmas and perform a production for our community.  We already have the dates set:  December 11th, 12th, 18th and 19th!  I know many have a lot of questions. And through this process, we want to get everyone all the answers and to be very transparent about where we are and what our plans are. We have designated the 2nd Wednesday of each month as Bethlehem night at the church.  During this time, we will share information, answer questions, and together come up with ideas and directions. We WANT and NEED everyone to be involved.  Our first Bethlehem Night will be February 12th and our youth will be cooking a Valentine’s Dinner for a fundraiser.  I hope all will plan to come out and join us on this journey.

Also, on February 7th and 8th, your Session will be meeting for a time of reflection, worship, and visioning for the upcoming year and years!  I believe we will have some new and exciting things coming out of this meeting.  If you have any ideas or suggestions, please see me or one of your elders.  We know that God has a course for our church and we want to find it and move forward wherever God is leading.  Please pray for your church, your Session, and also pray for me as we discern God’s will!

Blessings, Duawn