Missions Minute

Missions Minute

Winter is here folks and we are eleven months away from Christmas.  Christmas 2020, can you believe we are talking about Christmas before Valentine’s Day?  By the time you receive this newsletter you are probably aware of our 2020 project… Walk through Bethlehem.  This project is planned to be offered as a gift to our community and we plan to include the community as we work toward the opening in December.  This will be a major endeavor and we hope all of you,  our readers and church members are as excited about it as we are.  We will be looking for workers and partners in this project so be ready to roll up your sleeves.

The Food pantry  served close to fifty families this month and I personally want to thank everyone of our members who work hard to make the pantry a success.

We continue with our collection of Dicus receipts and boxtops.  The Matthew 25 Ministry uses the receipts to purchase additional food when they run short.  This is an easy way to reach out to the community

The  “Treats for Feets” box is in the church foyer and will be available for you to drop off a bundle of new socks to help the homeless in Ada. 

The Mission team’s  next meeting is scheduled for February 16th after church.   Please continue to pray for the mission team, our church and its outreach projects .  Mission team members are Honey Mearns, Pastor Duawn, Larry and Nancy Young, Betty Owens, Judy Davidson, Barbara Johnson, Steve Huston and Barbara Isaacs.  If you are interested in our outreach projects , please come and join us.  You can become a member or just visit if you feel interested.  We would love to have your input.

“Whoever serves me must also follow me; and wherever I am, my servant also will be.  My Father will honor the one who serves me.”  

John 12: 26  NIV