Pastor Comments

Pastor Comments

Honey, the girls, and I want to thank everyone for the Christmas gifts we have received.  We are truly blessed to have a wonderful Church family; we thank you all.  We are blessed to be here and extremely excited to what God has in store for us in this New Year.

Many people look forward to the New Year.  I hear people say how glad they are for the New Year because the busy holiday season is behind them.  For some people, the year has been difficult to maneuver and the idea of turning the page sounds refreshing.  Many will look at the New Year as a chance to change.  January is the month with the largest jump in gym memberships.  We make resolutions to get rid of bad habits or move into better ones.  We become aware of the path we are on and we see the New Year as a time to get off of it and get on a better path. The best stories are stories of people whose life is a wreck and they commit themselves to change and actually become a better person.  Actually, the Bible is full of these stories.  As a matter of fact, many of the heroes of the Bible were train wrecks at some point.

So, to kick off the new year at Covenant, we are going to have a monthlong series of sermons called “Reboot!”  We will look at stories from the Bible where people’s lives were going the wrong way and they turned it around for the better.  My hope and prayer, is that we can find ourselves in these stories; that we can find God in these stories; and that we can find the strength to commit to “Reboot” the areas of our life that need to be changed.

