

Pastor Notes – December

I said this last month but where has 2021 gone? I have a love/hate relationship with time. For example, our oldest daughter just got her drivers license and her first vehicle. And while I must admit I am excited to have another driver deliver to dance class and piano lessons, it does break my heart a bit that my kids are growing up! And while there are times that I wish they could live with us forever; I know that…

Pastor Notes

As slow as 2020 seemed to creep by, 2021 seems to have done the opposite. I went to Home Depot yesterday and it looked like the North Pole. As thegreat Bing Crosby says, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” And I am usually, like many of you, wait one minute, let us enjoy Thanksgivingfirst! But I feel different this year. Last year during the Christmas Season, we were hitting the peak of the Winter Covid-19 spike. We had…

Pastor Notes – June

          One of the common phrases that is used around our house is, “We don’t do that.” When our children act out or fight with each other, we let them know that “We don’t do that.” Part of the reason that the word “we” is used is so they will always know we are a tribe, a family community. And being a part of the Mearns Tribe means we will always be there for each other and there are certain…

Mission Team Comments

Covenant Missions Team lead by Barbara Isaacs met on April 25, 2021 at the church. Dicus Receipts continue to be collected for donation to Matthew 25. A drop-off container is in the foyer for those who would like to donate receipts. Also, the sock collection box for Mama T’s is located in the foyer. Compassion Outreach was delivered sack lunches for the Medical Clinic on February 9 -thanks to Barbara and Derrell Isaacs. Covenant will be providing meals for Compassion…

Pastor Comments

Before March, 2020, I had never heard of Zoom but I wish I owned some stock in it! Over the past year, I think everyone has been on a Zoom meeting. Zoom has connected us in a way that we never have before. I have 2 weekly meetings via Zoom with people that I normally could not meet with; friends and pastors from out of state. While, during this pandemic, Zoom has served to be a valuable asset to keeping…

Wanting to Know Jesus!

I want to know Jesus! When I say know him, I don’t mean know what he did (rose from the dead, miracles, teachings, etc.) but I want to know who he was. Think of it this way, I can say I know Michael Jordan. He played 15 seasons in the NBA, won 6 NBA Championships, 5 MVP Regular Season awards, 14 time all-star and the greatest basketball player to ever live. But that is simply knowing what Michael Jordan did;…

Pastor Comments

This scripture has always amazed me. The people who are saying this were slaves in Egypt! God sends a man named Moses to free them. I have never been a slave but I would think freedom would be the most important thing to achieve! Yet, we find them plotting to overthrow Moses to go back to Egypt and become slaves again. This sounds crazy! It was Patrick Henry who said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” But as silly…

Mission Minute 16 Feb 2020

The old adage “Time flies” seems very appropriate today.  We are fast approaching Ash Wednesday, the first day of the Lenten season.  Lent is a season during which we , as Christians, prepare for the reason for our worship;  the suffering, death and joyous resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ.  As we move toward Easter, may we be mindful of the many blessings we have received both as individuals and as a church family.  Blessings truly abound if we only…

Pastor Comments

Honey, the girls, and I want to thank everyone for the Christmas gifts we have received.  We are truly blessed to have a wonderful Church family; we thank you all.  We are blessed to be here and extremely excited to what God has in store for us in this New Year. Many people look forward to the New Year.  I hear people say how glad they are for the New Year because the busy holiday season is behind them.  For…

Mission Minute

We are now on the past side of Christmas.  The presents have been opened, the last Christmas party is just a memory and good old Saint Nick has stabled his reindeer until next year.  But, we can continue to celebrate the joy and wonder of the season far into the New Year by continuing our service to our beloved savior, Jesus, by serving others in need. Covenant Daily Bread continues assisting needy families.  The increase in folks needing help with…

Missions Minute

I wonder how many of our current readers remember a country singer, named Glen Campbell.  A simple, country boy from…. You got it, Arkansas!    Anyway, he had a particular song on the country charts, “By the Time I Get to Phoenix.”  My ramblings do have a point and that is that we are also on a journey, a life journey and each day we move a little toward our destination.  Although Glen’s song talks a lot about moving away from…

Mission’s Comments

It seems we have made it through  another summer vacation and by the time you read this, Wednesday Nite Live will have begun.  It looks like we have an exciting new year beginning . As we begin this new year, there are exciting new things in the works. For years we have collected boxtops for Education and shared them with the Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home in Denton, Texas.  It is now possible for you to stop clipping boxtops and send…
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