Pastor Comments

Pastor Comments

Over the past few months we have been going verse by verse through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.  At the end of this month we will wrap up this journey and begin a new one. One of the themes from the Sermon on the Mount is Jesus confronting us on the position of our heart.  He tells us, “Where your treasure is there your heart will be also.” “You cannot serve 2 masters.” The temptation in our world is that the materialistic will make you happen and satisfy all your needs.  Jesus gives us this warning because he knows this is a worldly lie. That is why he says, “seek first God’s Kingdom then everything else will be added to you.” Idolatry is the biggest temptation we face, searching and seeking satisfaction in other gods.  This isn’t an ancient problem; idolatry exists today: material comforts, financial security and sensual pleasures. Sometimes we profess to love the one true God but find great joy perusing false gods. And we learn the hard way that they false gods never satisfy and always let us down.

After worship, I frequently hear people say how much they needed that and how much better, and rejuvenated they feel.  Why? Something about devoting your time and energy toward worshiping the one true God changes us! What if that great feeling you get from spending an hour worshiping God was available all the time, not just one hour a week?   What if, instead of us leaving Sunday worship and going out and chasing the idols of the world, we were able to truly search for God’s Kingdom first! What would it look like to worship God in everyday life? Over the past few months, I have been studying this idea and trying to apply some principles to my own life.  So October 6th we are going to start a new series:  “Dancing with God.” In this series we are going to look at Biblical worship, what was the point?  We are going to look at our weekly worship and our daily worship. I think one thing we can all agree on is that worshiping God every day is a good thing, so we are going to go on a journey, together to learn how to Dance with God, every day.

