Episode (Page 3)

Episode (Page 3)

Quiett Time Live

A discussion with Dr. Ray Quiett concerning some of the affects that the pandemic and being quarantined or isolated from human contact has had on some people. If you have read Dr. Quiett’s articles posted on the Covenant Church website blog you will be well aware of his expertize in this area.

Two Things We Don’t Talk About

Friends and fellow Christians, we have a new podcast by Rev. Duawn Mearns. I rank this podcast among the best he has recorded, if not the best. I know you will listen and take note of what he has to say.

A Methodist and Presbyterian Walk Into A Bar…..

The global pandemic affects everyone. This podcast is two local pastors discussing what affects the global Covid-19 pandemic has had and is still having on their two churches. And what they and their congregations are doing to overcome those issues. Different denominations have surprisingly the same issues as they strive to open their churches and get back to normal or the “new” normal.

Surviving The County Fair

1 John 2:15 (NRSV) 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. The love of the Father is not in those who love the world;

Let’s Talk More About The Light!

4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:4-5

God In A Ditch

God answers prayer in three ways. “Yes,” “No,” and “Wait.” Sometimes the toughest answer to receive from God is “Wait.” When this happens, we need to remind ourselves that God is in control and can certainly handle our situation. We need to allow Him to continue working in whatever way He sees fit.

God Around Us

Listen as Pastor Duawn continues a series of asking and discussing some tough questions. Questions that have been asked for thousands of years and still may not have the answer.

Evil Us and God

Why does evil exist? Listen to Rev. Duawn’s podcast to hear his thoughts on why evil exists.

The Rabbit

The Covenant Podcast has returned with Pastor Duawn Mearns and a rabbit named Mr. Hopewell. You should listen to the podcast to see how Pastor Duawn can use a story about a rabbit to make a point.

Celebrating the Sacraments During Quarantine

This podcast features a discussion with Rev. Duawn Mearns and Rev. T.J. Malinoski about the celebration of the sacraments during the quarantine. I highly recommend that you take the time to listen to this discussion as we prepare to return to worship at Covenant. Rev. Malinoski is the Director of New Church Development and Evangelism for the Cumberland Presbyterian Denomination and a contributor to the Missionary Messenger and the Cumberland Presbyterian magazines.

From your pastors

A discussion of behind the scenes activities going on at the church preparing for and recording the music and then the sermons for online viewing. And what it is like being quarantined with your family; what are you doing to stay active and connected. Thanks to the technology that is available and affordable for most of the members of our congregation, they are able to view online services.

Jim Fisk is in the house!

Good morning Friends of Covenant Church.  We have a new podcast today featuring our pastor Duawn Mearns and his friend Rev. Jim Fisk.  You may recall Rev. Fisk, a longtime mentor of Pastor Duawn and pastor of Russellville First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Russellville, Arkansas, filled the pulpit at our church a couple of years ago.  This is your chance to listen in on a telephone conversation between Duawn and Rev. Fisk.  This is the first podcast in which Duawn…