Pastor Notes – December

Pastor Notes – December

I said this last month but where has 2021 gone? I have a love/hate relationship with time. For example, our oldest daughter just got her drivers license and her first vehicle. And while I must admit I am excited to have another driver deliver to dance class and piano lessons, it does break my heart a bit that my kids are growing up! And while there are times that I wish they could live with us forever; I know that is not the healthiest thing for my children as they grow. I think I am learning one of the fundamental lessons of life; things change. Not only is change something that happens whether we like it or not; it is necessary for growth. While I do believe what the author of Hebrews says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” I also believe what changes through our lives is our perception of Jesus. For example, I do not view Jesus the same way I did when I was eight. My beliefs about God are totally different than when I was 18. My theology on certain issues has changed in the last five years. It is not that God has changed but through my personal experiences and journeying with others I have discovered new and exciting things about God. I believe that God is moving, the invitation is to follow. The Christmas Story begins with God. God wants to do something new! And if we look at the story those who are pessimistic about this new thing are the people; Mary says, “How can this be….” Joseph upon hearing of Mary’s pregnancy, “Plans to do away with her quietly.” When Zachariah heard about the plan, “That’s not possible….” In the year 2020 we were trying to keep our head about water and in many ways, we felt like we were navigating in the dark. In 2021 we felt like we were maintaining and regrouping from 2020. I am excited to see what God has in store for 2022 for the Covenant Church. There are many things we had plans for pre-pandemic that we put on the shelf. We are excited to begin pulling those things off the shelf and re-examining them to see where God is leading us. I believe that 2022 can be the best year ever for our church, if we are open to the new things that God is leading us to. So, I ask you to join us in prayer. May our prayer be, “God you are moving, let us not sit still but move with you, in the directions you want to go.” And of course, “God give us the courage to follow!”

Pastor Notes