Covenant Daily Bread

Covenant Daily Bread

Covenant Daily Bread

The Covenant Church Mission Team operates the Covenant Daily Bread mission program by providing the following to residents of Pontotoc County. Our objectives are:

  • Touch the lives of people with the love of Jesus.
  • Serve a need to our Community with Monthly Food Assistance.
  • Provide a cordial and caring shopping experience.
  • Assist with SNAP application and renewal.

Covenant Food Pantry Ministry began as a locally funded and distribution ministry to provide food for local families in need. Food was purchased through donations and packaged in order to furnish some food to last a family for several days.

The Covenant Food Pantry has grown into what is now Covenant Daily Bread. Through partnerships with Oklahoma Food Bank, which has connections with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Covenant Daily Bread purchases food items that are delivered monthly to a central location. The food items are then placed on shelves and set up to provide the recipient with an authentic shopping experience. If you would like to participate in this ministry or for more information contact any member of the Missions Team and they will direct you to the proper persons.