Mission Team Comments

Mission Team Comments

Covenant Missions Team lead by Barbara Isaacs met on April 25, 2021 at the church. Dicus Receipts continue to be collected for donation to Matthew 25. A drop-off container is in the foyer for those who would like to donate receipts. Also, the sock collection box for Mama T’s is located in the foyer.

Compassion Outreach was delivered sack lunches for the Medical Clinic on February 9 -thanks to Barbara and Derrell Isaacs. Covenant will be providing meals for Compassion Outreach in June, September, and November. Eighty sack lunches were prepared by the Missions Team for the Latta Teachers on March 9 during Parent Teacher Conferences.

Covenant Daily Bread continues to serve those who “drive-thru” each month. April 26, 2021 was the last distribution. Twenty-seven households were served.

The next meeting will be held in August
