Mission Comments

Mission Comments

Covenant Daily Bread served Fifty families on October 25. November
Pantry pick-up and set-up is November 17 and Food Pantry delivery is November 22. The Covenant Session voted to use the money that is normally used to purchase goods for Thanksgiving Baskets (or gift cards because of Covid) to add to Covenant Daily Bread to purchase Turkey to add to the November Food Distribution.
Sack Lunches were delivered to Latta School on October 12 for the teachers during Latta’s Parent-Teacher conferences. The next sack lunch delivery will be to Compassion Outreach on November 16. Perhaps in the future (maybe 2022) Covenant will be able to prep meals and serve the clients seeking medical assistance and the personnel that serve the clients. Thanks to all who donated socks, pasta and beans. Those have been delivered to the appropriate agencies.
In earlier newsletters, the Missions team announced Covenant would be purchasing coats for Latta’s younger elementary-age students. Before the order was placed Covenant was notified that another church had supplied the coat needs. But, Latta asked about some other needs for students and those items will be purchased through the Missions fund for the school to have on hand. BUT, you will have an opportunity to buy PJs for students who live in housing that is not always warm. This need has been brought to the attention of the Missions Team. An “angel-type” PJ tree will be set-up
for you to select a sex/size to purchase PJs for a child. After purchase, please return to
church before December 15. The Missions Team next meeting will be held on January 30, 2022 after morning worship. New team
members are welcomed!!
